Weight Lifting


To arrive at the final results of weightlifting competition, the total of best successful lift from the snatch and the clean and jerk is considered in each weight category.

The organizing secretary declares the results and the victory ceremony follows. Many of the women weightlifters in India have made the country proud by giving a magnificent performance in this sport. K. Malleshwari, the woman weightlifter won the Bronze Medal for our country at the Sydney Olympics 2000. Another Indian woman weightlifter, Kunjurani is considered one of the best hundred weightlifters of the 20th century.

Weight Categories —

This sport has been designed for four categories for the

Male competitors:- Bantam weight – below 55 kgs, Light weight – 55 to 65 kgs, Middle weight – 65 to 75 kgs, Open weight – above 75 kgs.

Female competitors:-
Fly weight – upto 50 kgs, Bantam weight – above 50 kgs.

Two hands clean and press –  Body weight

The rules and fouls of the first lift, i.e. two hands clean and press are :

First Motion : The bar shall be placed horizontally in front of the athlete’s legs; grip it with both hands and bring in at a single, distinct motion to the shoulders either lunging or springing on bent legs, rest the bar on the chest or on the arms thoroughly bent, bring back the feet on the same line, separated by a distance of 40 centimeters, at maximum.

Second Motion : Being in this position, mark a two seconds stop standing motionless; then slowly lift up the bar vertically until the arms are completely extended  without  any jerk or sudden start , the motion being completely finished,mark a two second stop, arms and legs stretched.

During the sole execution of the second motion ,that is to say to develop proper, the athlete’s body and head must constantly keep the vertical position.

Incorrect Motion : All departure of the body or the head from the vertical position ; all torsion ,all feet motion(hill lift, etc.) and all bending – however little- of the legs, and the uneven extending of the arms during the develop, are forbidden.

Two hands snatch 

There are two types of snatches even in international weight lifting. They are – 1) squat style of snatch, which has been used by almost all lifters and 2) the split style of snatch. Split style is more artistic and more graceful style of snatch, split snatch is little easy to learn, particularly for bodybuilders, willing to participate in TRION – ART. The split snatch has been disappeared from international weight lifting. TRION – ART may give rebirth to split style snatch.

Two hands clean and jerk

  1. The body becomes healthy and strong.
  2. One can prove his prowess.
  3. The body becomes agile.
  4. It helps in increasing the concentration capacity.
  5. It helps in improving the blood circulation and digestive system, which enable in achieving a sound sleep.
  6. It helps in increasing the energy level of our body. This again helps in increasing our working capacity.
  7. It helps in increasing the mobility of joints.
  8. It helps in improving self-confidence and sportsman spirit.
  9. It helps in improving our personality.

Que.- How many attributes of a good sport does weight- lifting fulfills?

Ans.- Weight-lifting fulfills five attributes of a good sport.

In my opinion, if the following points are implemented; this sport will be more interesting.
1) The stage remains action less for a longer period in between two lifts. This makes the audience bored and the enthusiasm in them is reduced. Also the attendance of the audience is limited for National Championships.

2) In reality, weightlifting requires at most speed

3) In my opinion the action less period between the two lifts should be reduced. The players should execute some activity or the other on the stage. The stage should be eventful all the time.

4) Also according to me, the infrastructure of the stadium for this sport should be renewed. The size of the platform should be changed in such a way that it can accommodate three barbell sets at a time. The weight lifters should perform their lifts, serially one after the other, using all three barbell sets. This will make the game more eventful and also attract more audiences.

5) This concept of reducing the time between the two lifts may take some time for acceptance among the weightlifters. In the sport of track and field, the athletes follow the newly changed rules and regulations for running events.

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